It’s early January in Upstate New York and the ice fishing season is expected to be very good. Extended below-normal cold temperatures will build thick ice on the lakes and bays. We are overdue for a real winter. It will feel nostalgic when, if, I find myself guiding and fishing in places and locations I’ve been absent the last several winters due to mild weather. The extended forecast does look good…Lived around here long enough to know however that the weather stays consistantly unpredictable. The lack of safe ice for the last several winter seasons has kept the hordes of anglers from maurauding local hotRead More →

Ice Fishing In Central New York

It is clear, to all of us here in “The Real Upstate New York” that Mother Nature cannot decide — from one day to the next — if it will be Winter or Spring.  In twenty seasons of guiding ice anglers; This ice fishing season was the most challenging. This winter started with 16 scheduled ice fishing trips on my calendar, but only eight of them were completed. Upstate New York resembled northern New Jersey this winter. Minus the casinos and gold chains. Mild temperatures this winter left most of the lakes around here with unsafe ice. The traditional ice fishing season in central New YorkRead More →

A wide variety of lakes provide an assortment of species for the ice angler to target here in Upstate New York. Avid ice anglers have their favorite fish they pursue during the ice season. What species or lake I choose to fish depends upon several factors, but during the short ice fishing season, there is one constant theme…Success, each time I travel out on the ice to fish, is a roll of the dice. With so many lakes with an abundance of fish swimming around in them, you would think the simple equation of drilling a hole and suspending your bait would equate to catching fish.Read More →

With temperatures falling well below zero in the Adirondacks over the course of the last several weeks…Ice fishing season is here! Many of the big lakes and all of the small ponds throughout the six and a half million acre park are frozen over with five to seven inches of ice. Ice fishing in the Adirondacks is challenging. Early ice (now) is perhaps the best time of the year for fishing. The ice is new and easy to traverse and easy to drill holes through. The fish are adjusting to the new roof over their heads but have not become inactive. Coldwater species like trout,Read More →