The years seem to go by like yesterdays. When the age of 50 hits it requires me to sit down and think about life a little bit. A lot of bit in fact. The year 2022 marks my 19th year leading others in pursuit of fish and game as a licensed guide. Vibrant and vivid memories of all the nice people and beautiful places I have known in nearly two decades of professional guiding come to my mind.
It is easy for me to get lost in reflecting on memories of seasons past. I become overwhelmed with happiness and satisfaction. What stands out most, besides the fish and game, is the many great friendships I have made over the years with my guests. That is the greatest reward.
The last two years have been a challenge for everyone. Finding peace of mind — and an escape from the stress of life — has lead many people into the outdoors. This reinvigorated interest in the natural world, I believe, can only bring out good in human nature and mankind. It helps to heal the wounds and broken hearts so many of us have endured navigating through this pandemic.
It is my sincere wish that this Christmas Season finds you and your family safe and healthy. I am thankful and grateful for a beautiful family, good health, the spectacular environments of Upstate New York, and the success of my guide service. I look forward to 2022 and another safe, enjoyable, and successful season with friends new and old!