The years seem to go by like yesterdays. When the age of 50 hits it requires me to sit down and think about life a little bit. A lot of bit in fact. The year 2022 marks my 19th year leading others in pursuit of fish and game as a licensed guide. Vibrant and vivid memories of all the nice people and beautiful places I have known in nearly two decades of professional guiding come to my mind. It is easy for me to get lost in reflecting on memories of seasons past. I become overwhelmed with happiness and satisfaction. What stands out most, besidesRead More →

The itinerary of our trip was provided to not only Butch, but also to each of our spouses. A detailed timeline, map of our route, and GPS coordinates of the put-in, take-out, and each nights campsite, was provided for safety purposes. The wilderness is a safe place. But to enter into it without a solid plan, and not sharing that plan with others, would be negligent. Just over a half-mile from the road through the forest to our north was the river. The coordinates to the river landing was on my handheld GPS when I started off into the conifer forest with John close behind.Read More →

A wide variety of lakes provide an assortment of species for the ice angler to target here in Upstate New York. Avid ice anglers have their favorite fish they pursue during the ice season. What species or lake I choose to fish depends upon several factors, but during the short ice fishing season, there is one constant theme…Success, each time I travel out on the ice to fish, is a roll of the dice. With so many lakes with an abundance of fish swimming around in them, you would think the simple equation of drilling a hole and suspending your bait would equate to catching fish.Read More →