Fly fishing is a challenging, satisfying, and consuming pursuit. It is an effective fishing technique that, for many of us, becomes more than a hobby… It becomes a lifestyle.
Since 2003 Upstate Guide Service (UGS) has specialized in guiding and instructing fly fishers of all skill levels.

UGS offers enjoyable and successful fly fishing trips throughout the year for beginner and expert.
A day on the water with Upstate Guide Service will quickly advance your skills and understanding of fly fishing.
Advanced fly casters can learn new techniques and spend a day exploring more challenging and technical waters.

UGS offers the following fly fishing trips in Upstate New York.
Upstate Guide Service leads diverse and professional fly fishing experiences for beginner and advanced anglers throughout Upstate New York!
Please call or email anytime for more detailed information and please practice catch-and-release fly fishing.