Fly Fishing Guide In Central New York

Fly Fishing, I was once told by a veteran fly shop owner, is the most written about outdoor sporting topic in the world. There has been and continues to be volumes written and published about the sport, both technical and philosophical in nature. Presentation of the fly is a common theme that stands out in most all the technical literature. This is for good reason. The ability of the fly caster to present the fly properly determines their success as a fly fisher. Presentation of the fly is a multi-faceted topic. It is a most important skill for fly fishing rivers, small stream, lakes, oceans…Everywhere.Read More →

With temperatures falling well below zero in the Adirondacks over the course of the last several weeks…Ice fishing season is here! Many of the big lakes and all of the small ponds throughout the six and a half million acre park are frozen over with five to seven inches of ice. Ice fishing in the Adirondacks is challenging. Early ice (now) is perhaps the best time of the year for fishing. The ice is new and easy to traverse and easy to drill holes through. The fish are adjusting to the new roof over their heads but have not become inactive. Coldwater species like trout,Read More →