Upstate Guide Service Inc. is a licensed, insured, and professional full-time guide service specializing in outfitting the following sporting trips for beginner to expert:
Fly fishing
Light Tackle Lake Angling
Trophy Trout and Salmon Tributary Angling
Ice Fishing
Whitetail Deer and Turkey Hunting

Personable guides, quality equipment and effective techniques insures you make the most of your valuable vacation time!
Upstate Guide Service is a licensed and insured professional guide service.
We are USCG Master Licensed Captains that pilot NYS Parks Marine Division Inspected Lund Boats to provide safe and comfortable sporting trips for our guests.

UGS guides share expertise and technique, and an obvious respect for our native fisheries and wetland environments.
We provide patient on-the-water instruction. Make the most of your valuable vacation time with an experienced and professional guide service!

Experiened local guides plus quality equipment and effective techniques; That is the recipe that has lead Upstate Guide Service to be the premier guide service in Upstate New York since 2003.
With 20 years experience guiding and navigating the waters of upstate New York in search of fish and game as NYSDEC licensed guides and USCG Master Captains… We provide safe, enjoyable, and successful trips every time out!
Our guests’s quickly become our friends…Friends that return to spend time on the water with us season after season.
Please email or call for more detailed information.
[email protected]