Larger than Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks combined, The Katmai is one of the most unique wilderness areas in the United States. A land of rivers, lakes, and mountains — with stunning landscapes of incredible natural beauty — The Katmai offers some of the best fly fishing in the country!

In Alaska, The Katmai Natiional Park is synonymous with fly fishing. The region offers a wide variety of fly fishing opportunities for vacationing fly fishers in a truly wilderness setting.

This modest wilderness outpost fishing camp is situated betwen the confluence of two lakes that drain the headwaters of a famous Alaskan trout river. Fly fishers can cast dry flies to tremendous rainbow trout reaching 30 inches in length!

This traditional Alaskan fly-in lodge and can acompany four to six anglers for a week of incredible fly fishing! With comfortable log cabin lodging and gourmet meals, anglers will find the lodge with exceptional food and awesome fishing!

These trips begin at the end of May and run through Septmeber. For more detailed information and to reserve a week of hosted fly fishing in The Katmai…Feel free to call or email.
